About Us
Awalzee is a renowned trading company endeavoring to make the products for kids and babies accessible by providing luxurious shops across the Kingdom. We started our journey in 1997 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
We are associated with many national and international brands, to provide our customers with the best. Some of the leading brands with whom we have partnered include Cocodrillo(Polland brand specialized in kids wear), ManuGarcia(Spain brand specialized in ladies wear), Barcalesta(Spain brand specialized in wedding products), Basic Hosuse(Korean brand, specialize in family products), Cariano baby(Europe brand, specialized in kids products), and Mindbridge(Korean brand, Men and women specialized in business Casual dresses).

Our genesis is that we are devoted to setting standards of excellence to achieve excellence. We function on honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior values.

Our mission is to seize new opportunities that serve our customers and drive sustained business performance for Awalzee over the long term.

Granada Mall
Exit 9, Ash Shuhada District, Eastern Ring Branch Rd، Riyadh 13216
0 11 249 2529
Hayat Mall
King Abdullah Road,cross with King Abdulaziz Road
0 11 205 7104
Oasis Mall
King Fahad Rd, Ar Rass
0 16 326 3064
Al Rashid Town Square
King Saud Rd, Al Qadisiyah, Al Mubarraz 36422
013 575 2777f
Al badiaah Mall
Madinah Road, Riyadh 12768
011 419 2219
Basateen Mall
King Saud Road , Shaqra 15557
0 11 449 6995
Almajmaah Mall
EAl Marqab, Al Majma’ah 15371
Head office
King Abdul Aziz Road, Building No 8000
966 11 269 65 90
Granada Mall
Exit 9, Ash Shuhada District, Eastern Ring Branch Rd، Riyadh 13216
0 11 249 2529
Hayat Mall
King Abdullah Road,cross with King Abdulaziz Road
0 11 205 7104
Oasis Mall
King Fahad Rd, King Fahd Road, Ar Rass
0 16 326 3064
Al Rashid Town Square
King Saud Rd, Al Qadisiyah, Al Mubarraz 36422
013 575 2777f
Al badiaah Mall
Madinah Road, Riyadh 12768
011 419 2219
Basateen Mall
King Saud Road ,, Shaqra 15557
0 11 449 6995
Almajmaah Mall
EAl Marqab, Al Majma’ah 15371
Head office
King Abdul Aziz Road, Building No 8000
966 11 269 65 90
Contact us
King Abdul Aziz Road
Building No. 80000
Office No: 1
Muruj Area
PO BOX : 89214, Riyadh
Zip: 11682
Phone:011 269 65 90